I have seen the birth & growth of PADA (Parents Association For Differently Abled Adults) and impressed by its team who are working under the leadership of Mrs. Radhika Diwakar, a mother of adult with intellectual disability and a friend of mine. She is full of passion and so dedicated in bringing a change in the lives of intellectually challenged adults. Their Rainbow Learning Centre is an enjoyable place for intellectually challenged where one would look forward to coming & learning. The environment is very friendly for the parents to gain a lot of information & knowledge to support their wards at home. I learnt that life is not only about living, but also helping others to live.
...............Ms. Manjula Nanjundaiah,Director, Seva-in-Action, Bengaluru,EC member, Samagra Shikshana Karnataka

I have been associated with PADA from the days of its inception and found them to be committed, in giving their best to whichever project they undertake. I have worked with them on the initiatives 'Learn to shop, Shop to learn' for teaching 'money concept' and in Vocational skill development at Rainbow Learning Centre.
There is lot of warmth, affection, understanding and caring in interactions between parents, students, staff and volunteers. I enjoy working with them and would like to wish the PADA team the very best in continuing their good work and meaningful contribution to society in the years to come!
...............Mrs. Nandini Harish, MSc Psychology, Founder and Managing trustee, Artma Foundation

Pada, is unique and different in its own rights.
The diverse curriculum & learning styles cater in bringing out the best in everyone.
I am happy to be a part of their journey.
...............Ms. Sajinie Gnanatheeban,Principal and Manager, Baldwin Opportunity School, Bangalore

I have seen the growth of PADA since its inception. PADA is unique in the sense it focuses on the holistic development of the intellectually challenged adults. This is unlike many organizations which focus on enabling the intellectually challenged adults to earn. Holistic development of intellectually challenged adults improves their self-confidence, self-esteem with focus on behaviour modification. These are very essential for them to be as independent as possible.
The team at PADA and Rainbow Learning Centre are very dedicated, enthusiastic with clear goals and demonstrate excellent perseverance. I am sure they have the essential characteristics to be successful. I wish them success in their all endeavours.
...............Dr.D.Gnanadurai, Vice Chancellor, St.Joseph University, Nagaland.