PADA is much obliged for the guidance and assistance to
1. Shri. Mahantesh and Samarthanam Trust
Shri. Mahantesh Founder and Managing Trustee of Samarthanam Trust provided PADA the office space for the operations of PADA and the Rainbow Learning Centre. The entire staff of Samarthanam Trust assisted PADA in the successful execution of its activities.

2. Smt. Nandini, ARTMA Foundation
Smt. Nandini from ARTMA Foundation is an honorary teacher to train the students on arts and painting. Her idea of painting jute bags and guidance assisted PADA in the successful training of the students in painting jute bags.

3. Shri. Babu Nagendra, Chartered Accountant
Shri. Babu Nagendra assists in all the formal activities related to the Income Tax department.

4. Smt. Pushpa Arcot, Teacher, Art-of-Living
Smt. Pusha is an honorary teacher to train the students on Meditation. Her guidance has immensely helped the students and the staff.

5. Joetech Solutions (Managed by G.Joel Paul Ephraim)
Joetech Solutions upgraded the PADA web page with the new design and deployed the contents.

There are many volunteers and donors who have made a difference to us.
We thank everyone from the bottom of our heart. PADA is indebted to all.